Lotus Asia Casino's Players Club the market leading loyalty and comp program that offers spectacular benefits to the players including exciting match bonuses, lucky draws, anniversary offers, birthday treats, designer jewelry, accessories, sports equipment, electronics and exotic holidays. Lotus Players Club is divided into four Lotus "White Lotus", "Blue Lotus", "Pink Lotus" and "Black Lotus" depending on the loyalty points accrued. The players get maximum benefits after reaching the ultimate BLACK LOTUS status.
Strive to Get to Black Lotus... the final place for a HIGH ROLLER !
1. Earning Loyalty Points
Loyalty points are earned in the following ways:
GAME Points
Slots 1 point per $10 Wagered
Keno 1 point per $10 Wagered
Roulette 1 point per $10 Wagered
Three Card Poker 1 point per $10 Wagered
Baccarat 1 point per $25 Wagered
Video Poker 1 point per $50 Wagered
Blackjack 1 point per $100 Wagered
Craps 1 point per $100 Wagered
However, when playing with an active bonus, the number of loyalty points is halved – i.e.
GAME Points
Slots 1 point per $20 Wagered
Keno 1 point per $20 Wagered
Roulette 1 point per $20 Wagered
Three Card Poker 1 point per $20 Wagered
Baccarat 1 point per $50 Wagered
Video Poker 1 point per $100 Wagered
Blackjack 1 point per $200 Wagered
Craps 1 point per $200 Wagered
2. How to Redeem Loyalty Points
Open the main Lotus Asia Casino lobby.
Log in by entering your username and password.
Click on the Cashier button in the upper center of screen.
Click on Loyalty Button on left hand side menu.
Choose what you want to redeem and click okay to request redemption.
Please feel free to contact support@lotusasiacasino.com for any specific redemption or reward.
3. Moving up the Ranks
The Lotus are divided as per your loyalty points earned and games play. You virtually earn loyalty points after making your First successful deposit and playing slots, tables, video poker or any other game. More the loyalty points, the higher is your status. Points are accumulated over a 12 month period and players need to maintain points to remain on their current Lotus.
White Lotus (0-10000)
You remain in White Lotus till you reach the level of 10000 points. In the White Lotus players can get the weekly bonuses and birthday bonus up to 50 FREE spins.
Blue Lotus (10,001-100,000)
As soon as you earn between 10,001 points you enter the Blue Lotus. The benefits offered in the Blue Lotus are weekly bonuses that are extended to you through emails, $75 bonus money as a welcome bonus for reaching this Lotus, birthday bonus up to 75 FREE spins.
Pink Lotus (100,001-300,000 points)
Pink Lotus loyalty points range from 100,001-300,000. In the Pink Lotus, you have arrived as a VIP player. The benefits offered in the Pink Lotus are weekly bonuses that are extended to you through emails, $200 bonus money as a welcome bonus for reaching this Lotus, birthday bonus up to 100 FREE spins. exclusive Lotus tournaments, VIP contact person and special VIP match bonuses at higher limits. The pinnacle of highest Lotus namely Black Lotus is waiting for you.
Black Lotus (300,001+Points)
The ultimate BLACK LOTUS status when you reach the 300,001 loyalty points. The peak where you will enjoy a wealth of benefits. As a BLACK LOTUS status, you as a High Roller can dream of services and bonuses almost at your will. The benefits include high amount match bonuses, $500 bonus for reaching this Lotus, exclusive Lotus tournaments and exclusive VIP contact person and high limit gaming. You may contact your dedicated contact person for increasing limits, requesting match bonus or anything Lotus Asia Casino can do to make your gaming experience a thrilling one.
4. Loyalty Points Prizes
500 25 bonus credits
1,000 55 bonus credits
34,100 iPod Nano
36,400 Amethyst/ Diamond Pendant
52,400 Brighton Handbag
62,000 Callaway Golf Driver
78,200 SatNav
81,800 Sony 12.1 MP Cyber-shot
89,000 Camcorder
476,400 Television
Bahamas Holiday
1,800,000 Golf Holiday